→ Meet Tonal, the music player designed for audiophile¹ collection building², powered by community-curated high-quality music metadata³, with first-class support for classical music.
Get Tonal
So how it works?
Track 01.

Atypical Player

Instead of being a streaming service, Tonal helps collectors build music collections that stay forever.


Compared to other players, Tonal tackles three fundamental questions more seriously:

  1. What files to play?
  2. How to grade “audiophile-grade”?
  3. From where comes the music metadata?


Before checking out Tonal’s answers, try to answer these questions for your current audio player of choice.

Track 02.
Variation I:

What Files To Play?

[Your player]ships many decoders to support lossless files. Some files are encoded using suboptimal or inconsistent configurations. Some files contain glitches due to ripping or download errors.

A New Audio File Audiophile Format

Tonal collects music into .tonal audio files — a lightweight lossless container that repacks PCM or DSD data of a complete disc in standardized FLAC or WavPack encoding.

Tonal creates these files from intact Hi-Res downloads or accurate rips. Tonal audio files embed no music tag.

Track 03.
Variation II:

How To Grade “Audiophile-Grade”?

[Your player]supports bit-perfect playback. You are unsure whether it is configured correctly. BTW, are there differences between “bit-perfect” players? “Audiophile-quality sound” sounds like the new “military-grade encryption.”

“Grade” implies measurability. “Audiophile-grade” is no exception.

Accuracy & Precision

To voice the authentic sound with the subtle nuance of your DAC, Tonal taps into the lowest layer in the audio stack, bypassing all digital signal processing.

Zero Config

Configurations that may affect audiophile performances are tuned precisely and automatically.

Feather Light

Signal path between raw lossless audio and the hardware layer is unbelievably short: 4 SLOC in C.

Track 04.
Variation III:

From Where Comes the Music Metadata?

[Your player]prefers sources like TiVo/MusicBrainz to embedded tags. Tag editing is error-prone. The community spends much time improving music metadata but can not share it with you easily. Classical and jazz music is less well-tagged.

The secret is to think in metadata, not tags.

Tonal Metadata Language

Tonal pioneered a set of concise, elegant, declarative languages to enable community-based collaborations on music metadata.

Curators author music metadata in Tonal Metadata Language using the web-based editor; collectors get instant updates from the Tonal app.

Anyone who still has not gotten past the stage of the beauty of music still knows nothing about music.

Music is not beautiful. It has beauty as well, but the beauty is only the bait.

Truth is our ultimate goal, not beauty.

Sergiu CelibidacheLa música, sin alternativa